Monday, July 18, 2011

Germany trip 2011

I've been home almost 2 weeks and I still wish I was in Germany!  We had so much fun and I got to do so many things that I probably wouldn't have if I lived there.  I kept telling myself that I needed to do it because chances of me getting back there are slim.  That's the only way they got me to ride the tram to the top of the highest mountain in Germany!

Here's a slidshow of some photos I put together for the girls at work.


Lindsay said...

Amy those pictures are amazing, I have been wanting to email you about your trip! I am speechless. WOW.

thecapedhappyender said...

Those pictures are amazing! I think I have viewed them five or six times now. And I showed my children so they can understand how parts of the world are honestly so different. They were fascinated. You are a good photographer. That trip looks amazing and I am so glad you got to go.

Heather said...

What an amazing experience!