Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This weekend...

my sister and brother-in-law moved into their new house. Yay! It's beautiful and going to be so fun for them.

I got the best job during moving day - I got to play with my 18 month old niece and my 20 month old nephew. When I went to get my niece, I helped my sister with a little packing while we waited for my brother to get there with his son. It's a good thing we got my neice out of her house before too many people got there to move everything. I was folding up her blankets that were in her crib and she threw a fit when I put them in a bag for moving. I'm not sure what she thought I was up to, but those were *her* blankets! (My sister said that she won't sleep unless all 5 of her blankets are in the crib with her. Crazy kid!)

The kids were good and we even went to the grocery store before going to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We made "tooties" (cookies), played with lots of toys, read stories and ate noodles. It was a fun day!

1 comment:

thecapedhappyender said...


You are the best Aunt in the world! You babysit and everything. Thank you for being so kind to our family. The package was delightful and Chad and I enjoyed most of the candy, we couldn't help it. You have good taste.
