Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Last organ class

I just finished my last organ class. It did get better and although I'm not sure I'll ever be a fantastic organist, I might (with some practicing) be a passable organist. We'll have to see if I can work in the practice time. Let's hope someone who knows how to play moves into the ward in the next 3 months because I noticed on Sunday that the organ playing is messing with my piano playing in Relief Society. Seems I can play one or the other.

1 comment:

thecapedhappyender said...

I am thrilled you learned to play the organ. I have no doubt that your skills are superior. I envy your availability to take community ed classes. Do take advantage of them and we will all benefit from your skills. I know I benefit from your taking the cooking classes at Thanksgiving Point. Mmmm...thank you for the recipies. You are a very talented person.
