Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Phone call today...

I've never had a problem with people misspelling my first name, so I never spell it out for people. Today I answered a phone call at work and after verifing a bunch of information about the company she asks for my name. Here's what happened:

Caller: Can I get your name?
Me: Amy
Caller: Okay, is the spelling E M I.
Me: (trying not to laugh) No, it's A M Y.
Caller: Okay, thanks.

Now, she had an Indian accent and English was not her first language, but Emi? Seriously? At least we all got a good laugh when I finally hung up.


thecapedhappyender said...

Now days I can understand asking how to spell any name, even Amy. After all, we know an Amie. Adorable. But EMI is not a combination I would have come up with. I like it though. I think it is cute. :) I like that you had to have a question asked on your name. I bet that doesn't happen very often.

Thanks for sharing this story. I am still smiling.

BALL said...

I like this one too, I always am spelling my name and having to correct. Some common close to it names I get are annie and arnie.

thecapedhappyender said...

This is still a funny story to me.