Sunday, October 18, 2009


A couple of weeks ago the whole family was at my parents house for Sunday dinner. My youngest sister was telling what she thought was a funny story about me, that wasn't that funny. I could hear her and went in there to ask her to knock it off. There were no neices or nephews in the room so I told her 'shut-up, it's not that funny'. All the sudden I hear this little 2-year-old voice from the stairs. "Mom, Amy said shut-up." It was in a 2-year-old whisper so I heard the whole thing, but what's funny is he was tattaling to my sister-in-law on me! I told him I was sorry and wouldn't say it again. It's not fun when you get in trouble because of the 2-year-old!

1 comment:

thecapedhappyender said...

Sisters! Grrr....I have said shut-up to my so before and he reminds me constantly. My mistake and now I am living with the results of that mistake, probably forever because Klark has an elephant memory. It sounds like perhaps your sister does too.