My sister just started selling Pampered Chef and I am doing a catalogue order this week. If anyone is interested in ordering something for Christmas let me know. I'll be submitting the order on Friday.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Zion's for the weekend
A couple of weeks ago, my roommate and I took a weekend trip to Zion's. On the way I got to stop and visit with Lindsay. I had so much fun catching up and seeing her little girl. Then we went to Zion's. We had fun hiking, and seeing the beautiful fall colors in the park. We made smores around the campfire and had an all around good time. It sure was beautiful there.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
A couple of weeks ago the whole family was at my parents house for Sunday dinner. My youngest sister was telling what she thought was a funny story about me, that wasn't that funny. I could hear her and went in there to ask her to knock it off. There were no neices or nephews in the room so I told her 'shut-up, it's not that funny'. All the sudden I hear this little 2-year-old voice from the stairs. "Mom, Amy said shut-up." It was in a 2-year-old whisper so I heard the whole thing, but what's funny is he was tattaling to my sister-in-law on me! I told him I was sorry and wouldn't say it again. It's not fun when you get in trouble because of the 2-year-old!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Phone call today...
I've never had a problem with people misspelling my first name, so I never spell it out for people. Today I answered a phone call at work and after verifing a bunch of information about the company she asks for my name. Here's what happened:
Caller: Can I get your name?
Me: Amy
Caller: Okay, is the spelling E M I.
Me: (trying not to laugh) No, it's A M Y.
Caller: Okay, thanks.
Now, she had an Indian accent and English was not her first language, but Emi? Seriously? At least we all got a good laugh when I finally hung up.
Caller: Can I get your name?
Me: Amy
Caller: Okay, is the spelling E M I.
Me: (trying not to laugh) No, it's A M Y.
Caller: Okay, thanks.
Now, she had an Indian accent and English was not her first language, but Emi? Seriously? At least we all got a good laugh when I finally hung up.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Jon Schmidt concert
Saturday night I went to an amazing concert at Thanksgiving Point with a great friend. Sam was in town for the day and I convinced her to go with me to the Jon Schmidt concert. It was a beautiful night and it was fun to sit outside on the grass and listen to great music. Jon is a fun entertainer and it was a great concert. I only wish the concert had been a little longer (and that we didn't have to listen to the opening band. They didn't play what I would call 'music'. Most would call it rock music, I'd just call it noise.)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Movie night
Dad has wanted to do an outdoor movie all summer long and we finally got around to it this weekend. We hung a cloth from the rain gutters on the back of the house; set up the laptop, projector and speakers; and popped a couple baches of popcorn. We brought out most of mom's blankets and pillows and got all the kids (and the adults) snuggled in to watch Kung-Foo Panda. It was great fun and I can't wait until the next movie night! Once the movie was over, my youngest neice and I danced to Kung-Foo Fighting - we couldn't get anyone else to join us in our dancing.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
This summer, Barnes and Noble did a summer reading program for kids 1st - 6th grade. If you read 8 books you could go pick a free book. I got some papers for the 3 oldest nephew and neices. They had finished reading their 8 books each and I took them to the bookstore to get their free book. We had a lot of fun picking out books for each of them (and buying one for their younger brother). When we were done at the bookstore I took them to get an ice cream cone. When we pulled into McD's, I asked who wanted ice cream. I heard this chorus of 'I do!', 'Me!' from the back seat. And then the youngest neice with me, age 6, says, "Aunt, you don't have to spend so much money on us." It was so stinkin cute! I told her since I hadn't spent anything on her yet because her book was free, I would buy her an ice cream cone. So we all went in and ate ice cream and talked and had fun!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Fun in the Sun
Yesterday my sisters and I took all the nieces and nephews to the swimming pool and played all afternoon. The youngest niece was being a little pill when she woke up and her mom had told at 8:30 that morning that if she was good, she could go to the pool. So she promptly put on her swimsuit and wore it all day while asking every 5 minutes if it was time yet. She and her mom were the first ones there! We had lunch in the park and then went to the pool. It was a great afternoon and I've got the sunburn to prove it!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Funny Story...
So the boss is in town last week and I had a half hour meeting with him. Not too bad, but I'm pretty nervous about it. He works in California and we almost never see him in Utah.
That morning I figure I should be a little more dressed up than usual. (And this summer I've been a lot on the casual side!) So I pull out a pair of dress pants I haven't worn in months and go to work. All is good, my meeting went well but about 4 o'clock I can feel that there is this strange bump on the back of my leg, so I go in the bathroom to check it out.
Turns out I've had a dryer sheet in my pants ALL DAY LONG! Luckily, it stayed in my pants and I didn't have it trailing behind me when I went for my meeting! :) I'll be checking inside my pant legs from now on I think.
That morning I figure I should be a little more dressed up than usual. (And this summer I've been a lot on the casual side!) So I pull out a pair of dress pants I haven't worn in months and go to work. All is good, my meeting went well but about 4 o'clock I can feel that there is this strange bump on the back of my leg, so I go in the bathroom to check it out.
Turns out I've had a dryer sheet in my pants ALL DAY LONG! Luckily, it stayed in my pants and I didn't have it trailing behind me when I went for my meeting! :) I'll be checking inside my pant legs from now on I think.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Elephant rides
At our house the nieces and nephews love getting elephant rides. Two adults each grab a hand and a foot and the child gets to swing back and forth while singing the elephant ride song. The youngest niece especially gets excited for them. On Sunday she kept asking for 'a ride, a ride!' so my sister and I gave her a ride. After each ride, she always asks for more, more. So we do it until we get tired and then I tell her '1 more time' while holding up 1 finger and she gets excited because she knows she gets another ride.
On Sunday, instead of asking for more she held up her pointer fingers on both hands and said '1 more time!'. I'm not sure she knows that it means only 1 more, because we let her talk us into 2 more but it was really cute that she learned '1 more time'.
On Sunday, instead of asking for more she held up her pointer fingers on both hands and said '1 more time!'. I'm not sure she knows that it means only 1 more, because we let her talk us into 2 more but it was really cute that she learned '1 more time'.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Jim Brickman Concert
I never do this many fun things! First SF and Wicked, then the Manti pagent, and now a Jim Brickman concert! Roommate and I had been looking through the Scera Summer pamphlet we got in the mail a few months ago. I commented it would be super fun to go to the Jim Brickman concert. But then never did anything about it.
For my birthday last week, roommate surprised me with tickets to the concert! It was a beautiful night for the outdoor concert and I loved every minute of it. He is quite funny and very entertaining.
I think roommate had almost as much fun taking the pictures as she did listening to the concert. (my first photo didn't turn out too well - my hands were shaking - so she took over and did a marvelous job!)

Friday, June 19, 2009
Manti pagent

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Weekend fun...
I had an amazing weekend full of fun. My mom, aunt, two sisters and I went to sunny San Francisco. Since we couldn't get tickets to Wicked when it came to Utah, we decided to go watch it in San Francisco. My office has an apartment there and we got to stay there for free. It was beautiful and had an amazing view of the Bay Bridge. (the photo was taken looking out the bedroom window)
The play was great and it was fun to go with my sister who hadn't seen it. (all the rest of us had) She was funny about it. I don't remember being that amazed by it, but is sure was good.We walked along the wharf, saw Alcatraz (far off in the distance), saw the Golden Gate bridge (again, far off) and went to Ghirardelli square and bought chocolate (would you expect any different from 5 girls?).
I did get some blisters on my feet from all the walking but it was so much fun! I'd go back in a second and do it all over again!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
If you like Jon Schmidt, you've got to watch this...
I really want the new CD now that I've heard this...
I just wish when I play I had someone on cello and percusion for me. Maybe then I would sound just like him! :)
I just wish when I play I had someone on cello and percusion for me. Maybe then I would sound just like him! :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I have a little turtle, his name is tiny Tim...
I just got home from a fun filled 2 days of watching my youngest neice. Her daddy just graduated from BYU (YEAH) and her Mommy and Daddy went on a cruise to celebrate. 3 aunts, 1 Nana and 1 Pa ( Poppa) get to play with her while Mommy and Daddy are on a boat.
Today in the car we sang the bubble song and now I can't get it out of my head! Monday, we went to the Dinosaur museaum with my sister-in-law and 2 of her kids and had a blast. Until I tried to convince my 2 year old nephew to go stand by the HUGE shark. He freaked out. (it's funny now...not so much funny when I made him cry!)
We had lots of fun and I will miss her when I go back to work tomorrow. It's Shell-shell's turn tomorrow. Good luck Shell-shell.

And since the song is still stuck in my head - Here's the big finish (and my neices favorite part!)
Today in the car we sang the bubble song and now I can't get it out of my head! Monday, we went to the Dinosaur museaum with my sister-in-law and 2 of her kids and had a blast. Until I tried to convince my 2 year old nephew to go stand by the HUGE shark. He freaked out. (it's funny now...not so much funny when I made him cry!)
We had lots of fun and I will miss her when I go back to work tomorrow. It's Shell-shell's turn tomorrow. Good luck Shell-shell.

And since the song is still stuck in my head - Here's the big finish (and my neices favorite part!)
Bubble, bubble, bubble,
Bubble, bubble, bubble,
Bubble, bubble, bubble,
Bubble, bubble,
Monday, April 20, 2009
Guess who's the new ward organist?
Yep, that would be me. I got a call from the 1st Counselor on Saturday night at 9 pm to ask if I would 'substitute' on the organ Sunday and feeling guilty because I couldn't think of one good reason not to, I said yes. He did ask if I'd played before and I said "Not for people to sing".
Then, Sunday morning I got a call to meet with a member of the bishopric. I've known for a week that I was probably getting the Sunday phone call, I just didn't think I'd get the 9pm Saturday call. (as a side note - that makes 4 callings and 3 of them involve the piano/organ. Where did all the piano players go? They better find some in the ward soon...I've only got 2 months left in the ward.)
My roommate said I did great, but I don't think I did that well. I guess you'll know where to find me this the church, practicing!
Then, Sunday morning I got a call to meet with a member of the bishopric. I've known for a week that I was probably getting the Sunday phone call, I just didn't think I'd get the 9pm Saturday call. (as a side note - that makes 4 callings and 3 of them involve the piano/organ. Where did all the piano players go? They better find some in the ward soon...I've only got 2 months left in the ward.)
My roommate said I did great, but I don't think I did that well. I guess you'll know where to find me this the church, practicing!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
"So cute with capris in the summer!"

Monday, March 23, 2009
Power tools.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Weekend fun...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Great blog with reviews of books...
This is one of my favorite blogs. I love finding books that I don't have to worry about what I will find halfway through it. She is having a drawing for a book that I really want to read...I'm just waiting for the library to tell me it's my turn! But if I win, I won't have to wait for the library!
Friday, March 6, 2009
well now I feel guilty, tired and hungry...
Roommate's plans changed again and she ended up leaving last night as originally planned. Now I feel guilty for being so happy that she's gone. Is that wrong?!?
Something woke me up at 4 this morning and I couldn't fall back asleep (until it was time to really get up, then I could have gone back to sleep!). It was kind of nice knowing that I didn't have to worry about waking her up too, but there's not much to do at 4 am especially when you've left your book out in the car.
But today's not all bad, it's the monthly potluck lunch at work and I made these cute mini cheesecakes and it's killing me to wait until lunchtime. I did eat one last night because I had never made them before and I had to make sure they wouldn't kill anyone. :) And it was YUMMY! I probably could have eaten the whole batch.
Something woke me up at 4 this morning and I couldn't fall back asleep (until it was time to really get up, then I could have gone back to sleep!). It was kind of nice knowing that I didn't have to worry about waking her up too, but there's not much to do at 4 am especially when you've left your book out in the car.
But today's not all bad, it's the monthly potluck lunch at work and I made these cute mini cheesecakes and it's killing me to wait until lunchtime. I did eat one last night because I had never made them before and I had to make sure they wouldn't kill anyone. :) And it was YUMMY! I probably could have eaten the whole batch.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
a little dissapointed...
Roommate was going to be out of town this weekend but I just found out tonight that she isn't going now. I am really dissapointed. Now, don't get me wrong, I love living with my current roommate, she's not crazy, doesn't stink up our house with her smoking and numerous other things past rommates used to do and we get along really well, but I was so looking forward to having the apartment all to myself.
I get to spend Friday Night at Friday's Kids, so it won't be all that bad. :) I just wish it was going to be a little warmer this weekend. I could go read my book at the park (the book for bookclub that I haven't finished yet and bookclub is tomorrow!)
I get to spend Friday Night at Friday's Kids, so it won't be all that bad. :) I just wish it was going to be a little warmer this weekend. I could go read my book at the park (the book for bookclub that I haven't finished yet and bookclub is tomorrow!)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Valentines/President's weekend
I had a, well let's call it an eventful, and long holiday weekend. I started it off by getting another cold (it seems like I have been sick for 6 weeks) and this one caused me to lose my voice. So I spent Saturday coughing and not being able to talk.
On Sunday, our choir had been asked to sing for Stake Conference with a couple other ward choirs, since I play the piano for our choir and don't get to sing, I was really looking forward to singing. But without a voice, I wasn't much help!
I got Monday off from work, but my bro and sis-in-law went on a mini vacation and I volunteered to watch the 4 kiddies since youngest sister had them Saturday and grandma had them Sunday. Plus I was the only one who didn't have to work Monday.
We had lots of fun (read that last bit with a TON of sarcasm). I had one with double ear infections, who woke grandma at 5:00, me at 5:45 and then threw up about an hour after grandma left for work. And another with an ear infection and a sinus infection. (we only knew they were sick, my sis-in-law took them to the doctor after she got home) The other two had coughs and runny noses and I am really glad that I didn't catch whatever they all had! We did get some fun in - played games, colored pictures, did some cleaning and laundry, and tried not to bother grandpa who was downstairs in his office working... It was mostly a fun day, but I sure was glad when it was over.
On Sunday, our choir had been asked to sing for Stake Conference with a couple other ward choirs, since I play the piano for our choir and don't get to sing, I was really looking forward to singing. But without a voice, I wasn't much help!
I got Monday off from work, but my bro and sis-in-law went on a mini vacation and I volunteered to watch the 4 kiddies since youngest sister had them Saturday and grandma had them Sunday. Plus I was the only one who didn't have to work Monday.
We had lots of fun (read that last bit with a TON of sarcasm). I had one with double ear infections, who woke grandma at 5:00, me at 5:45 and then threw up about an hour after grandma left for work. And another with an ear infection and a sinus infection. (we only knew they were sick, my sis-in-law took them to the doctor after she got home) The other two had coughs and runny noses and I am really glad that I didn't catch whatever they all had! We did get some fun in - played games, colored pictures, did some cleaning and laundry, and tried not to bother grandpa who was downstairs in his office working... It was mostly a fun day, but I sure was glad when it was over.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
My vacation from my blog lasted much longer than my vacation from work did! I'm back and with lots but not lots to discuss.
First, I had a marvelous Christmas and a wonderful vacation from work until we went back. Then, the first week back, my office laid off some people. I still have a job, but it's a bigger job than it used to be. I'm grateful that I am working, I just wish I could get a handle on it so that I wasn't working 10 -11 hour days.
Just as I was starting to get a handle on the extra work, to add to my stress, I got a summons for jury duty. My first ever. I hoped that the trial would be settled out of court and I wouldn't have to go in. Not with my luck - I got to go for jury selection. And another credit to my luck, I got chosen for the jury. I spent 2 days (and one evening/night) at the courthouse. On the one hand, it was very interesting and I enjoyed seeing the inner workings of a trial (since my limited knowledge is based on what I picked up on TV and movies) but I didn't like making the decision of if someone was guilty or not-guilty. Since I am a little nervous about what people can find online - that's all I am going to say about it here. Great learning experience, hope to never have it again. :)
First, I had a marvelous Christmas and a wonderful vacation from work until we went back. Then, the first week back, my office laid off some people. I still have a job, but it's a bigger job than it used to be. I'm grateful that I am working, I just wish I could get a handle on it so that I wasn't working 10 -11 hour days.
Just as I was starting to get a handle on the extra work, to add to my stress, I got a summons for jury duty. My first ever. I hoped that the trial would be settled out of court and I wouldn't have to go in. Not with my luck - I got to go for jury selection. And another credit to my luck, I got chosen for the jury. I spent 2 days (and one evening/night) at the courthouse. On the one hand, it was very interesting and I enjoyed seeing the inner workings of a trial (since my limited knowledge is based on what I picked up on TV and movies) but I didn't like making the decision of if someone was guilty or not-guilty. Since I am a little nervous about what people can find online - that's all I am going to say about it here. Great learning experience, hope to never have it again. :)
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