Monday, May 10, 2010

My favorite store...

Most of you know I love the bookstore! I go there when I need to get out of the house and enjoy wandering around. I have found another reason to love them. They have these fun 'parties' for different books. I took niece #2 to a Fancy Nancy party a couple weeks ago. She dressed up like Fancy Nancy and we had a BLAST! at the party. Then this week nephew #1 and I went to a party for the new Rick Riordan book "The Red Pyramid." Much fun was had! I think I like the parties as much as I like the coupons (I'm pretty sure I haven't paid full price for a book in quite a while! Don't tell!) If you have a Borders near you - check out the storytime and parties!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey I just found your blog. It was fun reading it and seeing how you are doing. It sounds like things are going great for you. I am so jealous you have such a wonderful book store close to you. E-mail me (chpaints@gmail,com) and tell me all about what else you have been up to. What do you do for a living? I have a blog, but I keep it private so let me know if you want an invite. It was great reading your blog.
Heather (Knutsen)