Monday, January 11, 2010

Things I learned this weekend...

1 - When Grandma calls and leaves a message, call her back even if it's late when you get home. Because if you don't, she'll call at 8 am on a Saturday. (and yes, I was still asleep. I haven't been sleeping well this week and gave myself permission to sleep in.)

2 - When your roommate asks if you want to substitute on the organ for her on Sunday, the answer is no, always, always no.

3 - When the phone rings on Saturday at noon - and you don't recognize the number, don't answer it. It could be the 2nd counselor asking you to speak in church the next day (even though you spoke just 4 months ago).

These things make for a not so fun weekend. Hope yours was good!

1 comment:

thecapedhappyender said...

You had to speak in church and you found out Saturday? That would not work for me :) What was your topic? How did it go? I want to read your talk. I want to hear everything about it. You must have been good four months ago if you have been asked again already!

I want to see the Frog Princess with my daughters but I think they would be difficult in a theater still. Hhmmm....I wonder if the boys would like that movie.

Your grandmother sounds cute and you sound like you have a tight relationship with each other. What did she need?