Friday, January 15, 2010

Thank You, Have a Good Day, See you tomorrow, Bye-bye

I ran to get a sandwich today at lunch, because I was too lazy to cook real food last night so I didn't have any leftovers for lunch today. The guy at the drive thru cracks me up everytime I go there. As he hands you your food he says (very quickly and in one breath) "Thank you, have a good day, see you tomorrow, bye-bye", and then he's done. It's taken me a few trips to figure out the whole phrase! Most of the time it's more like thankyouhaveagooddayseeyoutomorrowbye-bye (and breathe).


thecapedhappyender said...

Oh, how cute of you to notice. I want to use this in a book someday. Isn't it great? It is almost darling. Thank you for taking the time to notice.

I Cut My Bangs Today,

BALL said...

I love this, you should have lunch there everyday so that you can hear the farewell sentence.