Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My toes again

So I went to the doctor yesterday and I really shouldn't have. He pulled off the toenail on the toe that I smashed since I had a new nail growing underneath the old, or hurt, nail. So that nail looks really funny since it's only about a half a nail.

Then on my other big toe, I had been getting ingrown toenails for most of my life so I had him look at it since it hurt. Because of the way my nail grows he said he could fix it by cutting off part of the toenail and treating it with a chemical so it won't grow back. Sounded like a good idea to me, but now I'm not so sure. It is really raw and tender and I want my ingrown toenail back. Those I can fix by myself, this is going to be awhile until it's better. But I guess I can't undo it now.

Hopefully I can go to the gym tomorrow. I don't think I can do it today. We'll see how it feels tomorrow. :)

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