Friday, February 5, 2010

Strange dream

So I almost never remember my dreams, but this morning I woke up fully remembering it. It was strange enough that I am kind of glad I don't remember them! :)

I go to water aerobics at the local rec center and there are 3 different instructors. These 3 instructors and I were somewhere (I'd say a hotel). And Bob and Jillian from The Biggest Loser were there yelling at us. It seems I'd lost my swimsuit top and couldn't go workout in the pool! Never fear, I found it under the bed but then I woke up.

Maybe this is why I wake up tired...I'm dreaming of exercising all night.

1 comment:

thecapedhappyender said...

This is funny. I am glad you shared and it is strange you dream of exercising all night. Maybe you are burning more calories because you do. Eh? I am glad I am a person who doesn't usually think dreams mean anything (I don't usually like my dreams). And you? Do you believe dreams are telling you something?